We are Illuminati, We are WealthPowerFame
The Illuminati Is Just An Umbrella Term For All The Governments/Monarchies/Bloodlines Or Families/Secret Groups/Politicians/Etc. (Masons/Templars, Eastern Stars, Etc.). This Goes Back To Babylon. People Who Dismiss People Who Use The Term Illuminati As If They’re Talking About 5 Little Hidden Men In A Room Are Missing What The Majority Who Use The Term Are Saying. It’s Not One Particular Person Or Group In Power. What Part Of One World System Are People Missing?
Who We Are
“We are here to create a revolution unlike any that has gone before.”
The Rothschild Family Dynasty is a secret society that seeks to promote spiritual and moral values
Founded on the principles of love, justice, unity, freedom, peace, and relief as well as achieving goals
Illuminati unites people of goodwill and solidarity regardless of their differences and origins and ensures that these quality people become better in society.
The Illuminati do not practice murder or human sacrifice, contrary to what many people think or are misled…….
“The main goals are love, unity and freedom, freedom in happiness and satisfaction, as well as the desire to realize dreams faster.
The Illuminati is NOT truly a religious entity. The Illuminati is a global organization consisting of great men and women with different ideas and religions.
The Illuminati generally consists of 70% of world leaders, 85% of multimillionaires, 71% of billionaires, super successful stars, 84% of the world’s best footballers, 76% of the most successful individuals, lawyers, bankers, the most men

All people, in all places, are eligible to apply for Illuminati membership. Initiates are required to take any vows of loyalty, and commitment